Saturday, October 24, 2009


censorship2 I won’t tolerate it. Neither should you. During the 2nd World War, soldiers and their wives or girlfriends would exchange letters. Military censors would black out any graphic language about sex. If you were an Italian or Polish American writing back to your family, let’s say in NY, because the censors couldn’t understand them, the letters were confiscated.

According to the Military Postal History Society: “One of our researchers recently found over 500 confiscated and condemned letters at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. They included letters that used graphic language dealing with sex. He also found that in some cases the same writer would keep having his letters confiscated and apparently didn't get the message. These letters were never delivered and apparently the sender was never sent a notice of the offense. The US censor staff count rose to 14,462 by February 1943 in the stations they opened throughout the United States.

Today, driving back from Naples FL, I was listing to Michele Obama speaking - she said that not that long when women would meet to discuss breast cancer issues, they couldn’t use the word “breast.” They would have to call it a “Women’s Cancer Program.” A Saudi court sentenced a female journalist to 60 lashes who had been charged with involvement in a TV show in which a Saudi man publicly talked about sex. Watch the Sopranos on television words like “shit, fuck, etc. are cut-out, although you can clearly comprehend what they are saying. It is a farce.

Bloggers are not well liked in America. It is because we are unfiltered. In my business, trucking, which is tight-assed and “proper” ruled by “don’t rock the boat” over paid bureaucrats and worse, reported on by a media that makes it priority advertising dollars and not the truth – the result is a industry of fools – stuck in time where lack of innovation and change prevails. It is pathetic.

If you want bullshit, there are many other places you can go on the internet to read it. There are loads of sites where censorship rules. Oooo, you can’t use this photo because it is too provocative. Ooo, don’t use that kind of language. Disgustingly politically correct. The “client” won’t like it. It might offend. Reading many of the other “trucking” blogs, makes me want to throw up. Mr. and Mrs. trucker travel the interstates. What a bunch of crap. Talk about how the trucker is screwed and get’s paid crap – never. OOIDA won’t touch the subject, because they’re good at writing nice prim and proper letters, never tackling the real problems the driver.

I’ve done my time as a corporate sellout. I kissed enough boss ass for three lifetimes. I started this blog because I needed a vehicle to express the truth. It was never going to happen, my writing for the rags that are offered for free at truck stops everywhere. And I’ll be damned if anyone is going to what to tell me what to write, how to write it, what photos or pictures I can or can’t use because they’re more concerned about what the Fortune 1000 wants than the truth.

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