Friday, November 13, 2009

No Military Tribunals...

86-Of-Americans-Jump-C.article Just how stupid can the media be? And what about you -  the American people? I almost ripped my satellite radio out of the dash for God sakes. Now I know why Elvis shot his television set. Military tribunals to try the 9/11 murderers? Absolutely not.

Who do you think we are - the Japanese or Nazi's in World War 2? For years now I have demanded these Muslim terrorists should be brought to the WTC site for trial and then executed when they are found guilty. And they will be found guilty - in our civilian Federal court system - not some kangaroo court type "military tribunal."

And the world will be watching. Using military tribunals would be the worst idea possible way to achieve justice for the American people. Because the military seems to have a slight problem connecting dots these days. They spend more time throwing battle tested gay officers and trained specialists out while ignoring Muslim terrorists who are officers in our own Army.

The military seems to believe that water-boarding a suspect 180 times does well to enhance our image in the hearts and minds of the people we’re trying to protect. Gitmo is a disgusting Bush 2 disgrace. The military and its West Point trained generals quite obviously have a problem making decisions and what is right and wrong. Look at Afghanistan, where we have no business being. The US Ambassador, a former General, says no more troops right now. The Commander of US Forces there seems to think we need to send 40,000 of our kids to fight the Taliban for the Afghans, who don’t give a rats ass about America. The Army did a pathetic job at Abu Ghraib. And you think a military tribunal can judge Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri (the USS Cole bombing) – no way. President Obama made the right call here.