Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Birth Certificate…

obama_birth_certificate_dees_smallThis whole birth certificate affair with the President, intensified recently, by Donald Trump, has not made me despise Trump any less, no, in fact, it has made me hate him even more. I believe it was a Nike commercial with the message that the real heroes in our world are NOT athletes, rich bloviating businessmen (like Trump) or performance artists. The real heroes are parents, cops, firemen, judges, the military, just to name a few. These are the folks to be looked up to and followed. Our media needs to devote more time to them than the rich and famous. 

I happen to be one of those people that couldn't care less if President Obama was born here in the U.S. or not. I also don't care if he is a Christian or a Muslim. Perhaps if he had cheated on his wife, I would care, because it would (your honor) go to the question of his character, or lack thereof. But the rest of it - citizenship or religion - no. I judge the man solely on his performance. His job is to improve and protect the democracy, and so far to date, he hasn't done such a bad job. Certainly, that last guy, Bush, was a disaster.

Yes, yes, the President can do better. There’s not a person on this planet that can’t. I would have wanted to see Guantanamo closed, a better national health care program in effect sooner and our "involvement" in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Pakistan brought to an end last year. The larger problem here is not the President, it is the Congress, comprised, as The New York Times so aptly put it, by cowards.

But what now? What’s the next diversion from our problems coming ‘round the corner? Who is the next fool  - the next BT Barnum - to come along and use their own self-interests and financial resources to get the media to shine their light on them away from what’s really important. Perhaps we need another conspiracy, yeah, why this birth certificate from Hawaii isn’t real – it was made up. Forged by Muslin conspirators who have planned to overthrow the government decades ago and have been “breeding” Obama in Africa until he was ready to be sent to the U.S. to be elected President of the free world.

The whole Ivy League and Harvard Law thing never happened either. All the transcripts were made up and put in the computer by expert terrorist hackers funded by Saudi Arabia. Isn’t this fun? Forget the deficit, health care and the 3 wars – hey this sure makes better news on FOX. Trump, with his bad comb-over, alcoholic big nose and millions of dollars in “Apprentice” television money is great for ratings. Do you recall the tsunami in Japan and the nuclear fall-out? What the heck ever happened with that? I’ll tell you, it wasn’t fun. Too complicated, too confusing for Americans. Maybe they should extend out the NFL season or have a separate summer league so people won’t have to deal with the high gas prices, the miserable weather or whatever else happens this summer.