#808 - What’s next for Donald Trump aka the “Trumpster”? Does anybody watch his ridiculous show on NBC? Not in my world. I wouldn’t give him or any of his products or properties the right time of day. His brand has rusted. He’s made a fool out of himself, he knows it, and the press and our President have done an outstanding job of reinforcing it. I try to find some redeeming value in everyone, but I’m hard pressed to find anything positive about him. I think it is a credit to the stupidity and prejudice of the Tea Party wing of the extreme Republican right to keep Trump in their favor. Give ‘em the old razzle dazzle Trump, I’m sure, is thinking overtime, probably in the morning, when he’s getting his comb straightened and styled, about how to get right again with the public.
I’d give it a few more days, but since the Trumpster just can’t help himself, I’m quite sure he’s going to ask for – insist on - proof of the Bin Laden assassination. This is really no different than the birth certificate fiasco. And, Obama is going to release something – a photo or tape – with proof that Bin Laden, in fact, is dead – after Trump continues to press him on it. The President will do it to calm the Trumpster, his followers and the media down and end the debate and Trump will, again, declare himself a (Charlie Sheen) winner. It’s all a game. For all we know, the President and Trump are organizing this whole thing behind closed doors together. Perhaps it will all come out in a movie some day.
The government – that is “our” government - does itself no good when their story changes from day to day about what happened in the Bin Laden compound. One helicopter had mechanical problems, then it was hit by small arms fire – then the soldiers blew it up, but then a crucial top secret piece was left or was it? The media, with no journalists to speak of anymore to determine what really happened, is being led around by a carrot on a stick. There was resistance, then there was only one guy with a gun, then one of the wife’s stood in the way, or was it a human shield, a woman from somewhere who just happened to be in the bedroom. Bin Laden’s son – one of them – was shot and killed, but where is that body? Where’s everyone else?
There was an intense fire fight, then there wasn’t. The troops spent most of the 45 minutes on the ground collecting information and hardware or was it 20 minutes? Bin Laden was armed and fired, but then he had no weapon, perhaps a rifle behind him, but then resisted and was shot twice in the eye, above the eye, one in the eye one in the head, or did they hit him over the head with his shoe? Why wasn’t the compound blown up after the soldiers left? Why leave it for people to swarm in and around it? Why wasn’t the women or the wife taken back to the ship or wherever our guys came from? Why leave her to the incompetent Pakistani’s?
OK, kudos to the President, but for goodness sakes, here we go again – this was the problem with the health care bill – the information is not being managed properly. The CIA director is on the news saying one thing and the President is saying something else. Why is the CIA director talking to anyone? Why didn’t the President just order everyone to shut up and he’ll be the mouthpiece for the government. His press secretary is terrible. I thought the first guy was bad but this new guy just does not communicate the message of the White House, at all.
Get the message straight. Stop changing the story. Stick to the facts. The President jokingly said the Trumpster is going to move on to insist on proof of the moon landing. He also made some reference to rappers, that I don’t understand, nor care to. But, in this case, that is the killing of Bin Laden, I think we all need more evidence, and I don’t care if Trumps champions the cause for it or not.