Thursday, March 05, 2009

Can I see some ID?

2560864080_46f8c8077fNO. A way too friendly Flying J assistant manager asked me the other day for “some” ID when I gave her my credit card. I was buying some milk, cookies and Gatorade. I had just used the same card to pay for dinner - $11.

I NEVER used to carry my drivers license. I NEVER carry a wallet. I keep everything but my credit card in the truck in a folder. I’ve never been the wallet type. Now because of the pinheads at travel centers like Flying J, I have to carry around my drivers license.

It always the chubby too friendly clerks that ask me for ID. I’ve always maintained that if I stole a credit card, I would buy a few Bluetooth headsets, DVD’s, a CB radio or two and a cooler – AND NOT milk and cookies.

I have also wondered why the hell can I charge my dinner and not be asked for ID, but need it for the milk and cookies. It’s bullshit.

I now have a new policy. If ANYBODY asks me for ID, I will now ask for their ID. Who the hell are they to ask me for ID, when they’re in a perfect position to steal my credit. I now want ID.

I’ve had enough of these chubby, goody-too-shoes, I want to be the perfect employee and get promoted Flying J clerks who think they have the right to ask me for my ID. No more. I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours. Enough is enough.

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