Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Do you watch this TV show?

250px-Bones_tv_logo My wife tapes a whole bunch of stuff for me to watch on the road. I like MASH, Law & Order, The Tonight Show, Walker – Texas Ranger, Hallmark movies and a wide variety of other things.

Last night, a Fox show called “Bones” came on. It’s another one of those FBI/cop/forensic shows. Everybody is smart, pretty, hunky, somewhat quirky and of course, the whole cast wants to screw each other. There are multiple story lines that surround the quest to solve a murder or murders by examining the victim/s remains “scientifically.” Their efforts and the script they follow is very much like the CSI show over on CBS.

But here’s what bothers me. The episode I watched on tape was too graphic. It was too real. And in our stuck up world of not being allowed to show breasts, nipples or penises or say shit, this show clearly crossed the line. I had to turn it off.

Here’s the deal. Some woman was thrown down an elevator shaft. Apparently she got stuck on the way down. As the elevator went up and down it dragged her along tearing parts of her body off. Her remains were smeared all along the wall of the shaft. Blood and guts everywhere. One of her (the “vic’s”) legs was cut off below the knee with her foot still in a shoe was sitting on top of the elevator. The skin had been torn off.

OMG. None of this is necessary. If I were younger, this would give me nightmares. The show is not for kids and it's not for adults either. It is gory. It is bloody. It depicts a horrible crime where the murderer lies to cover up his/her part in the crime. It is not entertaining in any way. There is too much “gore” to enjoy as aspect of this show. It doesn’t matter how white the actors teeth are.

I don’t believe in censorship. But hey “Bones” folks, can we please have a little bit of discretion? I get the point. I understand the premise. Trust me, if I have to turn away or turn it off, it is just too much. And again, it is just not necessary to show any of it for the show to be entertaining. That is the point, right? One wonders.