Sunday, March 22, 2009


twnalogo So the Mid America Truck Show is over. OOIDA was there and so were the members of the Truck Writers of North America. And you know what? 99% of truckers couldn’t give a rats ass. The entire event is a boondoggle. The trucking media represented by the TWNA is useless and lame. Same with OOIDA. When MATS/OOIDA and the TWNA address that truckers are unskilled, underpaid and unrepresented workers, then I might change my mind about the whole bunch. And when the TWNA recognizes this and other blogs as the true reflection of the industry, then and only then might I give them any respect. OOIDA has a “blog” but it is poorly written, edited and managed. MATS/OOIDA/TWNA are and will continue to be the dinosaurs of trucking.