Sunday, March 08, 2009

Victims of the “Decession”…

Mercer_LogoAs reported by OOIDA, 200 lease-operators are now looking for somebody else to drive for.

If you read my earlier posts, you will know that I found the Mercer flatbed owner-operators arrogant, rude and unfriendly. They wouldn’t give you ice in the wintertime. Like wolves they tended to stick together in packs.

I recall an “encounter” with one obnoxious Mercer driver at a T/A somewhere. He was causing quite a raucous because he wanted his truck fixed and seemed to have a problem waiting his turn. Other drivers had been waiting to get into the service bay since the night before.

He said to me: “I fought so people like you…” I told him what I though of his rudeness and noticed that he clearly was either high on drugs or drunk. He felt, as a Vietnam vet, the “seas” should part for him at every truck stop.

So typical Mercer. I’m sorry for the spouses and families, but feel nothing for the drivers. I certainly hope none of them end up up at company.