Thursday, April 16, 2009

Burnt Out…

tired_man I’m back in Florida, finally. I have put up with more shit the last four and a half weeks that any human should have to deal with. On top of all that crap, I’ve been sick most of the time. And I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me.

Yesterday, the President of the company I work for said that they will end making contributions to their, our, my 401K. Great. I lost about $1500 and now whatever is left is dead in the water, so to speak. I’d like all that money in my hands and away from the company, but my government tells me I can’t. Great.

I need some time off. I need a vacation. Being out for over a month and being “given” 4-5 days off is bullshit. I need at least 2 weeks to recover from this soon to end “adventure.” I need to have a little life away from the truck – Jesus, how many times have I said that before. The one thing that I’m sooo tired of is having to go inside somewhere - anywhere and buy food. I’ve had it. I want my kitchen. I want to drink out of real glass and not use a plastic spoon or fork. I want to get up, go to the kitchen, grab something and freak’n eat it. No waitress, no line, no waiting to pay for it. No questions – no dealing with anyone.

I feel like throwing out everything in the truck – from the bedding – the sleeping bag and the pillows and every box of oatmeal and coffee creamer. I want to fumigate the damn thing. I’d like new everything.  I’m tired of the dust and the mud. I’m tired of sleeping in a grey coffin.

For some weird reason, I can’t drink coffee anymore. I can’t even smell the stuff anymore. I now want to deep 6 my Mr. Coffee.

And the noise. 24/7 noise. I need quiet. No engine noise. No radio. No television. Nothing. No beeps. No QUALCOMM. No phone. Quiet. No air brake noise. Quiet. Enough vibration.

I wish I was taking a cruise somewhere. I don’t want to see or think about ANYTHING trucking. I don’t want to hear or think about anything regarding politics or government. Everyone can go to hell. Stop the world, I want to get off, for a while. Just leave me alone.

The world’s nuts. I want no part of it. At least for a few weeks. I want to walk. I want to be a passenger. I want a real pizza. I want Chinese food, especially hot wonton soup. I want to sleep with my wife and feel her soft golden hair. I want to talk to my two dogs. We have cheese parties.

I want to go home and stay home for a while. I want to see a doctor that has her act together. I need to replace my drivers license which I lost. I want to wake up in my own bed.

The photo credit is: