Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I’m back…

IMG00119Every brilliant writer needs some time off to reflect, ponder and regroup. I’ve been busy writing about trucking over on Wayne Weisser’s blog “Life On The Road.” I think I’ll use “The Flush” to talk about everything else other than trucking. There’s a lot going on and I have a great deal to talk about.

First, this whole gay marriage issue. Yes, the majority of voters in California do not want it. And that’s how our system works. But that does not make it right. If I was gay and wanted to get married, that should be my right. It’s not anyone else’s business. Who the hell are the voters of California or anywhere else to decide whether or not a gay couple can get married? It is the most absurd and ridiculous issue for Americans to waste their time on. Move on already. Spend your time on something - anything more important.