Monday, June 22, 2009

It's not that I don't care...

calm after the storm but the damn election is over. Like many good people, I got caught up in all the politics leading up to election - even at times having to catch myself when I was getting "too" into what was happening between Senators McCain and Obama.

So as I often say - fast forward - it's June. We all know the election is over. But there are some folks who are still so caught up into the whole political "thing" that they've become nothing but annoying. If you read anything they write, they've taken the fun out of everything that is happening in the world. You just want to walk the other way when you see them coming. I now choose to avoid these people whenever possible. I write for another blog, but don't want to see my name and my work anywhere near these other folks toxic adolescent gibberish.

For example, it makes me think back to some of the "stuff" I've written and it makes me uncomfortable. I did not like the last three pieces that I posted. They represent how I feel, but sometimes things are just better not said. And believe me, as a writer, that is hard for me to say. My goal as a journalist is to observe, comment and recommend change if possible. To somehow try and make the world a healthier place. Those postings did not support that objective. And I deleted them. I have a lot to say, it's just not coming out as freely as I'd like. I'll give it a few days. Maybe, among other things, it the damn heat. Later.

Photo credit: “The Calm After The Storm”