Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm at an interesting point....

right now in my life. I'm looking at moving forward, but before I do I'm being extremely careful. Like the lone wolf that I am, I'm sitting tight, looking over the range of possibilities. Like a cut on the leg that after the application of a little medicine and the application of a bandage, similarly the economy is rapidly healing itself. I believe new opportunities will soon abound. I am looking for one in the editing and writing field.

I started reading "Daemon" by Daniel Suarez. The opening to his book is similar to what I've already written here in my blog. How is this for an analogy - like a rip banana ready to be opened and eaten - I'm that ready to write a book. I need to be published. I can see and feel my name on a book. I want to hold it and feel it. I want to sit at dinner on a cruise and tell everyone at the table I'm a writer - not a blogger - a writer of books. And maybe someone at the table will have read one of my books.

Let me digress a sec. Weight. Certainly a favorite subject of mine. Based on my experience with contacts - not being able to insert something into - me - then I have to conclude that inserting a rubber band into some part of my stomach to stop me from eating isn't going to work either. Just the thought of something like that makes me ill. My wife says that I could actually feel the "thing" inside me. Holy shit. That would drive me nuts - like a staple in my finger or nail in my hand, I just couldn't stop thinking about getting it out of me. So I'm back to what I've said all along - I'm never going to lose any significant weight driving a truck.