Saturday, August 01, 2009

A new book entry...

Nina was recruited into the "agency" on the cruise. She was traveling with her aunt, a critical care nurse from Nashville. At 27, she has still not found her calling. But she had the right stuff. That was quite evident from our talking to her. After college, she decided to live and work in Australia. Some kind of exchange program. For 5 hours of hard labor in the fields, she got food and basic lodging. It was actually straw in a barn or a cot in a migrant workers hut. The weather was miserable. 100+ degrees. Nina managed to accept it all drinking lots of water and constantly demanding better conditions and less working hours from the land owner. As I said, she had the right stuff. 

She was petite, but tough. A natural blond she preferred to wear her hair tied in the back. On the three occasions we saw her, she wore on a thin gold chain necklace with a bluish diamond heart charm hanging at the bottom. Nina had no tattoos. Women have to be careful with tattoos. Why screw up a good thing?

She was better than labels or any flashy clothes. She kept it simple. Not elegant. Not black. But what we call country simple. And, she was too pretty to be a model. But she had the better actors ability to look like someone one minute and someone else the next. This would be perfect for what the "agency" had in mind for her. Not married and she preferred to keep her distance from her mother - she did not talk about her father - and apparently was not close to anyone. No boyfriend. She spoke about someone in Ireland, but this appeared to be more of a fantasy.

Independent. Speaks her mind. Seemingly unafraid of new dark places. The fact that she was a girl made no difference to her. She was what the "agency" was looking for.