Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Building links...

I'm working on establishing a link between Blogger, Twitter and Facebook for acourtesyflush. The "tweet this" prompt came up at the end of this post where I want it, but mysteriously disappeared. Blogger could, of course, make this entire process easier but doesn't. I've been told to move over to Wordpress, but I'm not crazy about those folks either. If you are a blogger, you know that making changes is NEVER simple. HTML reminds me of DOS. Let's get real. Blogger is a year or more behind in making their "service" easier to use. It's always been that way. I'm tired of having to Google a "how do you do this" and the result is some 12 year old sitting in his garage somewhere in India telling me to find this code and then insert a paragraph of yet more code. It's all BS. Speaking of BS, it's now 6-0 Phillies against the Yankees in NY.