Monday, October 26, 2009

To hell in a hand basket….

BannedBooks8-thumbReporting from Clearwater FL, publishing unencumbered from censors, free to bring you the truth. Today, let’s focus in on New York, where, according to Transport Topics, Gov. David Paterson, a Democrat, has proposed requiring truck drivers there to use only GPS devices that are equipped with truck route information to keep them off restricted roads.

“In a quest for faster routes, truckers are using automobile GPS devices that do not have truck routes”, Paterson said. He is an idiot. I’m sure he can afford the $499 truck stops are charging for truck route specific GPS units. He says in a press statement “Today, we put an end to bridge strikes by preventing truck drivers from illegally straying onto parkways and other restricted roads.

The “governor” said there have been 46 bridge strikes this year just in Westchester County, north of New York City. The bill doesn’t require truckers to use GPS units, merely that if they do, the devices should be specifically for trucks. It also would direct the state Department of Transportation to create an approved list of GPS devices truck drivers could use while traveling New York roads. Drivers who use non-approved devices would be fined up to $500, imprisoned for as many as 15 days and have their trucks impounded.

Transport Topics goes on to report that Clayton Boyce, spokesman for American Trucking Association, said it was unclear if — or how — ATA member firms would be affected if the Paterson proposal became law. Boyce says most trucking companies already use GPS services specifically designed for trucks so they are routed away from restricted roads and around low-clearance dangers. Boyce doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He likes to shoot from the hip, clearly not having all the facts. What does "most" trucking companies mean? I work for a "major"carrier and we don't have truck specific GPS units. "Most" GPS in trucks are purchased by the driver at their own expense. Let's never forget, the ATA represents management, not the driver. They're the reason we're not allowed to have a radar detector in our trucks. And trust me, if this ridiculous law passes, the ATA will make sure the driver will have to pay to comply

You can read the entire article at: