Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Cobra in UPS box…

king-cobra I'm sitting here somewhere in Minnesota. I forget where. I'm cold. Yeah, yeah - waaaaa - poor me. I just had a can of chili, an "everything" bagel and a Yoo-Hoo. Since I've been here since last night - they off loaded me around 5:30 AM while I was asleep - I'm sure the folks on Wall St. have made billions of dollars. Last week, Ford reported that they had made a billion last quarter. And that billionaire - what's his name - is buying up the rest of that big railroad. Well, while the rich get richer, I'm sitting and freezing in Minnesota trying to insert "gadgets" on this blog. Some work and most don't. Share This certainly doesn't. I've only told you a thousand times how I hate HTML and Blogger. If you're not a blogger, you probably don't know what the hell I'm talking about and trust me, you're better. In this case, ignorance is definitely bliss.

When folks ask me where I live and I say Florida, almost guaranteed three things come up. That would be sharks, alligators and snakes. People react as though I live in Jurassic Park. I tell them that I don't think I've ever seen a gator or a shark. I see snakes all the time. In fact, my wife saw one the other day - a "friendly" - black fella which we leave alone cause he eats mice and other delicious critters we don't want in the house. I mention this because the news reported that someone shipped via UPS a baby Cobra from Virginia to a school in Vero Beach FL. Somehow the box ended up at a local sort center in Pinellas Park FL. It was not marked with a "live animal" sticker. Not that it would have mattered since UPS does not ship snakes. The guy who ordered the Cobra called UPS to ask where the box was. Luckily someone at the school in Vero Beach did not open to box and get bitten.

A word to my Republican friends. You folks won two races for governor yesterday. Congrats. But tread cautiously. Tone down the Obama and health care bashing. The less you say the better. The more Obama does nothing - the better your chances will be in the mid-term elections. While Wall St. gets richer, Americans are "quietly" furious over the lack of jobs and rising prices. Use that to your advantage. 

soc_gaypride_031108 A word to my gay friends. Maine yesterday became the 31st state to reject same-sex marriage  It is still legal in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire and Vermont. Whatever you're doing to try and gain your rights to marry, I recommend you stop and regroup. If African-Americans and Jews relied on the national vote to give them the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution, then we would still have separate schools, rest rooms and restaurants. Your right to marry and gain equal rights must be won in the courts, not at the ballot box. Gov. Corzine, a Democrat, who was your supporter in NJ, was voted out of office.  Meanwhile, light up a joint as voters in Maine approved a ballot to expand their 10 year old medical marijuana law. Shows you where the voters priorities are.

As far as trucking today, I said I’ve been sitting here all day. In the past, I would dead-head down to Minneapolis and pick up a load of steel piping to Laredo. I don’t know where that business went to. What I did just get over the QUALCOMM was an open 0400 – 1600 pickup of roofing headed 328 miles to a Menard’s retail outlet in Moline IL. Shit freight. Delivery the next day, where I’ll sit another day waiting for another lousy load.